Title:Falcon 101--Development of Falcon Direct Electron Directorr
Speaker: Dr. Lingbo Yu,Product Marketing Manager Thermo Fisher Scientific
Time: 16:00-17:30 PM, 24 Feb., 2022
Venue: Room 111, Lynn Library
Lingbo Yu is a Product Marketing Manager for the Electron Microscopy Life Sciences business in the Materials and Structural Analysis Division at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Dr. Yu received her PhD from the University of Vermont. She worked on algorithms specifically designed for low-dose cryo-EM images of biological samples in the lab of Michael Radermacher. Lingbo worked on the NIH-FEI living lab project as a software developer to optimize automated single particle data collection. Later, she moved to the Netherlands and joined various projects as product manager, Falcon 3EC, Falcon 4, MicroED, Krios Rx and Tundra.
Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has become one of the dominating methods for 3D structural determination of wide variety of proteins and their complexes. Direct electron detection plays an important role in cryo-EM. In this hour, we will touch on the topic why direct electron detection is crucial for cryo-EM, what are the key factors for successful direct electron detection, and what design choice are made accordingly